The International Conference "Creative Identities" took place in Barcelona (Spain) on June 17th, marking the closing of the European Project 1000 Layers.
The 1000 Layers project is co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by La Xixa Teatre in collaboration with DW-RS Producties from the Netherlands, Elan Interculturel from France, Rooftop Theatre and Youth for Exchange, and Understanding Cyprus (both from Cyprus).
1000 Layers proposes an innovative methodological approach - the Creative Identities Method (CIM) - in the generic prevention of radicalization leading to violence among young people. The CIM combines the most relevant tools of Identity Process Theory with creative methods commonly used in youth work: Theatre of the Oppressed, Storytelling and Process Work.
At the conference, we presented this methodology and the educational outcomes we created as a result of the project to promote social inclusion, non-discrimination, critical thinking, critical media literacy and resilience among young people. These outcomes are designed to support youth workers in their work and to accompany young people as they work on diverse identities and narratives of their own history.
More specifically, we created the following outputs:
"FOSTERING INCLUSIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS THROUGH CULTURAL HERITAGE" Activities for ice-breaking, team-building, and intercultural empowerment
During the project's final conference, we enjoyed an afternoon full of experiences, theatre, musical performances… We were able to learn, listen, participate, dance and share.
From Xixa and on behalf of the project, we would like to thank all the people who made it possible. To all the people who attended, to Joan Ramon Riera for joining us in this event, to all the partners and to the young people involved in the training that took place throughout the week. Also, thanks to the group Rromane Silklovne for such an emotional performance, to XixaLab for your strength on stage, to Said Flow and Lil Russia for sharing their combative lyrics, and finally to all the people who helped us to enjoy such a special day for us.